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High Fructose Corn Syrup Can’t Disguise Itself as ‘Corn Sugar,’ FDA Decides

By:  J. D. Heyes  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

The days of food and beverage makers hiding the gargantuan sugar content of high fructose corn syrup under the deceptive label of “corn sugar” are over following a U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decision that prohibits the […]

Common Ingredient in Soft Drinks causes Damage to Brain Function

By: D Holt
Source: NaturalNews.com

The use of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has been long associated with fatty liver disease, diabetes and increases in obesity, but a new study has investigated its effects on the brain. HFCS is an inexpensive ingredient added […]

The Hidden Reason You Get Flabby (Not Calories or Lack of Exercise)

By: Dr. Mercola
Source: Mercola.com

Diet myths abound in the health industry, but one of the biggest myths of all is the idea that a calorie is a calorie, no matter where you get it from, or what the chemical or […]

New Study Shows Obesity Rate Is Actually Far Worse than Previously Recognized

By: Dr. Mercola
Source: Mercola.com

In the United States, where two-thirds of all states already have obesity rates exceeding 25 percent, and 12 states now have obesity rates over 30 percent, it is shocking to hear that these rates may actually be underestimated.

But […]

The Hidden Cause of Unexplained Weight Gain may be Poor Liver Function

By: Derrell Jones
Source: NaturalNews.com

The issue of weight is a prevalent source of discontent especially in western cultures. It seems that we havewoken upand realized that weight control is about much more than keeping up appearances. Obesity rates have skyrocketed along with […]

Almost Everyone Eats it, But it’s a “Breeding Ground” for Disease

By: Dr. Mercola
Source: Mercola.com

Evidence is mounting that sugar is the primary factor causing not just obesity, but also many chronic and lethal diseases.

Dr. Robert Lustig, one of the leading experts on childhood obesity, and arguably the number […]

Listen To Your Body, Know How To Read And Decipher Your Body’s Language

By Andreas Moritz

Children often fall ‘accidentally on purpose’ if their bodies require a boost of immunity. A wound that becomes infected due to dirt very often serves as a quick self-help method to stimulate the immune system and further increase thelevel of natural resistance to disease in a child’s body. Many growth spurts are initiated in this way. We tend to think that children don’t know what is happening, but their Higher Selves and spiritual guides are ever watchful to permit only […]

The Link Between The Big Three – Toxicity, Cancer And Obesity

By Andreas Moritz

People started gaining weight ever since life became more and more convenient. When modern amenities were introduced, life became sedentary and we simply got less exercise. But that’s stating the obvious, isn’t it? Unfortunately, it is much more subtle than that. While a ‘fatty’ or sedentary lifestyle directly contributes to weight gain, the enemy is subtler than sheer laziness.

Modern conveniences often come wrapped in toxins, both literally and metaphorically. They’re everywhere: in tap water, bottled water, bottled drinks, product packaging, […]

Weight Loss Surgery – A Dangerous Quick-Fix Solution

By Andreas Moritz

There are only two reasons I can think of that account for the huge success of weight-loss surgery in the United States – the Western world’s obsession with quick-fix solutions due to an unwillingness to adopt an approach that […]

Too Much Protein Is Not Good For The Heart

By Andreas Moritz

Protein Storage – A Time Bomb!

Obese people have both high concentrations of fats and excessive amounts of protein in the blood. The blood’s tendency towards clotting, considered to be the greatest cause for heart attack or stroke, stems almost exclusively from the saturation of proteins in the blood. (Note that smoking also increases blood protein concentrations, as shown below). Fats, on the other hand, have no blood-clotting ability. In their attempt to avert a heart […]

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