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You Can Heal Anything: You Are the New Medicine

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted: December 7, 2011 — updated 2019
Book excerpt:  Lifting the Veil of Duality

The origin of healing systems

The division of medicine into traditional/conventional and alternative/complementary did not occur by accident. Mankind as a whole needed to experience both of them before it was ready for a system of medicine whose purpose would be of a higher nature than is currently available. The new medicine, although it is so unlike the conventional and alternative models, is […]

How To Choose Abundance

By Andreas Moritz

Life organizes itself in such a way that it brings us to crossroads of major change. The old road we used to drive may have served us well in the past, but when we decide to head for a new destination, we may need to take a new road. Of course, there are options. Once we have decided we want abundance in every area, the universe takes care of the details. However, the manifestation of […]

Your Master Plan Helps You See That There Is Nothing Bad in Evilness and Nothing Good in Goodness

By Andreas Moritz

Each one of us has a master plan. This master plan is not the kind that tells you how to get from A to B or how you can be a better person than you already are. It is a Divine Plan that helps you see that there is nothing bad in evilness and nothing good in goodness. It is a script that we are all writing in each moment. The script guides us through […]

Conflicts End With The End of Victim Consciousness – My Personal Experience

By Andreas Moritz

Conflicts of any sort will only last as long as there are people with victim consciousness. It is the victim who requires a victimizer, just as a patient requires a doctor or a student needs a teacher. At their soul level, victims literally ask for the transgression against them because they condemn or judge those same aggressive aspects of themselves and need someone else to play that role as a mirror for them. Everyone with […]

We Are The World – We Are One With The World, The Universe, God, And The Omnipresence Of Being

By Andreas Moritz 

In the core of our being, we are one with the world, the universe, God, or by whatever name we call the omnipresence of Being. Separation exists only as a belief system, which we have acquired collectively over a period of thousands of years. In truth, we are all that there is.

True mind is not localized; I am not closer to my body than I am to the universe. The particles or rays of light (photons) […]

Oneness With the Living Earth Leads to Abundance and Freedom From Fear

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  December 7, 2011 — updated 2017

Nearly all conflicts and struggles in man’s historical past were based on beliefs that arose from misguided sensory perception. Even today, wars are being fought over ‘territorial rights’ and ‘national boundaries’ that only exist in the minds of the people. These rights and boundaries are merely a delusion, for planet Earth is whole and it is not possible to divide it into segments.

To most people, […]

Religious Beliefs Became The Crutches For Our Spiritual Poverty

By Andreas Moritz

Religious beliefs haven’t always been a part of human life on Earth. In fact religious dogmas only began to emerge after we experienced ourselves as beings separate from our Higher Source Self or God. Instead of being mostly centered within and functioning primarily as light beings, we started to look outward and perceive ourselves predominantly as physical beings.

As our soul began to increasingly identify with the physical self (ego), our Higher Self went as if to […]

Animals Know Something That We Don’t Know

By Andreas Moritz

Animals seem to be much smarter than we are. They don’t behave as if death was the end of their existence. Not fussing over where they will die, they also don’t organize big funerals for other animals that die, however strong and powerful they might have been in the past. Furthermore, animals don’t set aside money as a pension for the times when they can no longer provide for themselves. Animals, plants, trees, etc. do not […]

All The Messages And Opinions Ingrained In Our Psyche Are There To Actually Serve Us

By Andreas Moritz 

Contrary to the idea that we are born as sinners, being judgmental of something or someone’s behavior is not part of our essential nature: we have learned to be judgmental in order to navigate the ebbs and flows of life, so we can discover who we really are.

We have acquired this almost universal personality characteristic to learn all about the worlds of opposites (duality) and, also, to detect our underlying oneness. To get a better understanding […]

You Only Own What You Love

By Andreas Moritz 

Seeing the high divorce rates all over the world at this time in human history, shows that we are heavily involved in clearing our hidden agendas from this life and past lives with one another. We seem to be in a great hurry to do that and having only one major relationship in life may not satisfy this need. Each new relationship allows us to tap into more of our unresolved separation issues.

After a period of […]

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