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The Risks of Ultrasound Scans for the Mother and the Unborn Child

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:   October 1, 2012 — updated 2016
Book excerpt:  Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation

Are ultrasound scans necessary?

By the 1980s more than 100 million people throughout the world had experienced ultrasound scans before they were born. Today, practically every pregnant woman in Europe and North America will have at least one ultrasound scan […]

The Medicalization of Childbirth

By:  Craig Stellpflug  (2012)
Source:  NaturalNews.com

Our overzealous medical community has taken the blessed event of childbirth and turned it into a medical procedure with a whole different set of risks and side effects. This medicalization of childbirth turns our newborns into medical experiments and permanently hooks them into a life of medical dependency.

Where it begins

The […]

Study finds connection between prenatal exposure to BPA and aggression during toddler years

By: Jonathan Benson
Source: NaturalNews.com

Researchers from the Harvard University School of Public Health have made a disturbing new discovery about the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). It turns out that prenatal BPA exposure can spur aggressive and undesirable behaviors in girls after they are born and reach their toddler years.

Published in the journal Pediatrics, the study analyzed a group of 244 mothers and […]

The Secret World of the Unborn Child

By Andreas Moritz 

Childhood experiences are not the only factors that can determine our destiny. A child’s life does not begin with its birth. Because we cannot see the infant before he is born (except through ultrasound machines), it does not mean that he has no links to the outside world. Although the unborn child lives in a world of his own, he is still most profoundly influenced by everything that happens around him, especially the thoughts, feeling and […]

Could Eating This Popular “Health” Food Lead to Celibacy?

By: Dr. Mercola
Source: Mercola.com

Might soy impair your sex drive to the point of being an aid to celibacy?

Traditional wisdom says yes, and a fair amount of science backs it up.

Many studies have shown that soy’s estrogenic isoflavones interfere with the production and usage of testosterone in your body.

There’s also some evidence […]

Breast Feeding and The Liver Flush

Breast Feeding and the Liver Flush

Hi, this is a question from Rachel and she is wondering whether during breast feeding a three months young baby if it would be appropriate, okay, doing a liver a flush and she thinks that if it could help her health, then it could only be beneficial for her baby as well.

I have known a fair number of mothers who have done liver flushes very successfully while pregnant […]

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