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Andreas Speaks About the Liver Flush with Host Paul Nison

 Andreas speaks about the Liver flush with host Paul Nison

Paul Nison: Hello everybody its Paul Nison Raw life Health show, It is Monday time for our featured guest and this week’s feature guest is, you know, people keep saying my guests get better and better and no difference this week is one of my personal favourites and you will see why In a moment, but […]

Poor Circulation, Enlargement of the Heart & Spleen, Varicose Veins, Lymph Congestion and Hormonal Imbalance

By Andreas Moritz

Gallstones in the liver may lead to poor circulation, enlargement of the heart and spleen, varicose veins, congested lymph vessels and hormone imbalance. When gallstones have grown large enough to seriously distort the structural framework of the lobules (units) of the liver, blood flow through the liver becomes increasingly difficult. This not only raises the venous blood pressure in the liver, but also in all of the organs and areas of the body that drain used blood through their […]

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