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Soy – A Miracle Food or Health Threat?

By:  Andreas Moritz
Posted: November 23, 2011 — updated 2018
Book excerpt:  Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation

Soy products have made it into the food industry big time. Soy has been praised as the miracle food that will save the world. However, in spite of impressive nutritional content, soy products are biologically useless to the body, for reasons explained below. Today, soy is contained in thousands of different food products, which has led to a […]

The Hidden Dangers of Consuming SOY

The Hidden Dangers of Consuming SOY

I am not a great friend of soy in particular, because most of the soy for example here in the United States is genetically modified and in fact near up to 90-95% of it has been genetically altered, and that means it is incompatible with the human body’s uptake of nutrients that are contained in the soy. The other problem is that soy is a legume that has […]

Eating Organic, Non Genetically Modified Foods

Eating organic, non Genetically Modified foods

Hi, this is a question with regard to genetically modified food, where can we find non GMO foods?

And the answer to that question is actually not very easy to give. Here in the United States, there is no real legislation that differentiates between non-GMO (genetically modified) and genetically modified foods. The only safety factor that can determine whether you get the real food, not the artificially produced food, […]

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