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The Link Between The Big Three – Toxicity, Cancer And Obesity

By Andreas Moritz

People started gaining weight ever since life became more and more convenient. When modern amenities were introduced, life became sedentary and we simply got less exercise. But that’s stating the obvious, isn’t it? Unfortunately, it is much more subtle than that. While a ‘fatty’ or sedentary lifestyle directly contributes to weight gain, the enemy is subtler than sheer laziness.

Modern conveniences often come wrapped in toxins, both literally and metaphorically. They’re everywhere: in tap water, bottled water, bottled drinks, product packaging, […]

The Root Causes Of Many Symptoms And Diseases, Even Obesity, Are Often Not Obvious

By Andreas Moritz

Obesity is a result of toxicity

Our physical health and well-being are more intimately connected to our gut and bowels than we may think. After all, that’s where it all begins and ends – with digestion and elimination and, of course, everything in between. To put it simply, what we take in, how we process it and what we keep inside rather than eliminate have everything to do with the diseases we suffer from. Obesity is one […]

Difference Between Benign and Malign Brain Tumor

                         Difference between benign and malign brain tumor 

Hi, this a question, a very interesting question, from a person who had a massive or a big tumor in her brain and she still has a little part of that tumor left after it was surgically removed and she has now read my book “CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE” and is wondering if […]

Disorders of the Joints

By Andreas Moritz

There are three types of joints in our body: fibrous or fixed joints, cartilaginous or slightly movable joints and synovial or freely movable joints. The most susceptible to disease are the joints of the hands, feet, knees, shoulders, elbows and hips. The most commonly found diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout.

Most people with rheumatoid arthritis have a long history of intestinal complaints: bloatedness, flatulence, heartburn, belching, constipation, diarrhea, coldness and swelling of hands and feet, increased […]

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