The Amazing Liver Gallbladder Flush (Patrick Timpone interviews Andreas Moritz)
Patrick Timpone: I had a book in my possession for the last two three years – “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALL BLADDER FLUSH“, very, very interesting book and got to kind of know Andreas Moritz through this book and contacted him and he is on the line right now. He is a nice gentleman. Integrative medicine man is his main tag. He is studied in Ayurveda, meditation, yoga, nutrition, iridology, shiatsu for over thirty years, he has had a great deal of success with terminal illnesses with his people he has written this book “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH“, “CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE” and “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION“. He developed ENER-CHI which is a system of healing using ionized stones, his website is if you like to learn, we get lots of calls, Andreas, about gallbladder flushes and liver flushes so this should be a great book, I assume it is still in print probably on Amazon maybe?
Andreas Moritz: Very much so, it is every where, it is in ten languages, it is all over the world, it is going into Chinese now and Japanese
Patrick Timpone: Wow! I really enjoyed your book because I have done plenty of these myself and you really laid it out in a very clean and efficient and neat way. Tell the folks why it is important to clean the liver and the gallbladder
Andreas Moritz: Well, the liver is really one of the most important organs in the body. It is a factory, it produces an enormous number of just some substances including cholesterol which is a stress hormone, and it is a healing hormone and it is an ingredient for most hormones in the body and also the half of the brain and even part of the heart and so the body has to make it, and uses it in order to manufacture bile, the bile is necessary to digest your food, if you do not make enough bile normally… your body has to produce a quart and a half of bile per day in order to successfully, properly breakdown the foods into nutrients which are then absorbed into the blood stream and nourish and nurture your self and the body. Now when you do not make enough bile then that poses a huge problem for the body because bile is also responsible for activating digestive enzymes from the pancreas and if you do not make enough bile you are not able to use those enzymes to digest your food well.
Patrick Timpone: And what activities decrease bile flow?
Andreas Moritz: Anything from anger, stress, from eating inappropriate foods that are not physiological, that means these are foods that were never meant to be grown by nature they are man made foods, artificially produced foods or artificially sustained foods that contain a lot of preservatives, then the can of beverages that we call drinks or beverages….
Patrick Timpone: Yeah
Andreas Moritz: …that people drink all the time, like soft drinks, produce a lot of stones
Patrick Timpone: Back to the liver… also then these foods that aren’t physiologically natural, they are the producers of the stones, and the stones block the pathway for the bile?
Andreas Moritz: Correct. It is a massive network of bile ducts in the liver. It is almost like a massive tree and it has branches and smaller branches and smaller branches and a big trunk the big trunk is the common bile duct that comes out of the liver and so the bilary tree, so to say, can get clogged up very easily by what John Hopkins University calls intra-hepatic gallstones and these stones they are very soft they are made of mostly of cholesterol, most of them look green, like peas, they have almost the shape of peas and they are soft to the touch, so they are putty like if you squeeze them when they come out, but these stones are very obstructive so they block the bile flow and that means they also block the exit for the liver to eliminate toxins and noxious substances, so if the liver is unable to remove the toxin form the blood stream because the bile ducts are blocked up, these toxins, they are backing up in the blood and then they enter the connective tissue, which is the soft tissue that makes up all the organs and system in the body, so when you do not eliminate those toxins properly they start accumulating there and they basically suffocate the environment of the cells and the cells can no longer get enough oxygen, you mentioned oxygen, it is vital for the functioning of the cells and the cells do not get enough oxygen they eventually have to mutate into a different style of functioning which we call cancer or malignance then that is a really an end stage of the body trying to safeguard itself…. protect itself.
Patrick Timpone: So then the liver has an amazing job it is I guess it is correct to say it is the largest organ in the body other than the skin…
Andreas Moritz: Physically it is the most dense and it is a soft organ it is mostly filled with blood and so in fact the liver itself is liver cells are completely surrounded by blood, particularly when you sleep
Patrick Timpone: And I can… we say then with the onslaught of different chemicals in the air, in the food, in the water, plastics and whatever that the liver in the 21st century must really be on its on top of its game, so to speak…
Andreas Moritz: Absolutely
Patrick Timpone: So then these stones would be very, very detrimental to our health…
Andreas Moritz: To, I mean, to the cells functioning… that means, we have sixty to eight trillion cells in our body and all of them totally depend on how the liver functions.
Patrick Timpone: Wow!
Andreas Moritz: And there is not a single function in the body that does not depend on the liver, that is why you can develop a huge number of illnesses from digestive disorders to simple appetite problems, ulcers in the stomach, nauseas feeling, vomiting, depression, impotence, hernia, flatulence, difficulty in breathing because if the liver bile ducts get congested the liver becomes large and presses against the diaphragm and you cannot get any deep breaths in any more, and once you have diminished oxygenation of the cells because of that, then that again makes you more prone to develop cancer and other illnesses, people’s infections that people have, it is again related to their liver, high cholesterol obviously, because the liver makes cholesterol and the blood vessel walls in the liver are getting congested because of bile duct blockage, then your body can no longer retrieve enough cholesterol, the liver can no longer retrieve enough cholesterol form the blood stream, and it starts building up in the blood stream and then people have high cholesterol. Heart disease is very much related to the liver, most brain disorders, pancreatitis is definitely related to the liver, anything that is related to circulation and that includes virtually every part of the body, Alzheimer’s disease, cancers, kidney diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, osteoporosis, knee problems, shoulder problems, joint problems, gout…
Patrick Timpone: It is amazing, that is amazing!
Andreas Moritz: Literally not a single disease that is not directly related to bile duct congestion…
Patrick Timpone: That is amazing, and if you have just joined us, Andreas Moritz, sorry to interrupt you, Sir, but we have come to a break. If you just joined us, Andreas Moritz said that the way these stones get formed in the bile ducts is from inappropriate food, essentially the standard American diet we are sorry to say, in most cases, and is it any wonder that there is so much illness in our country if what he said is correct and there are many, many books and experts and people in the filed all over the world who concur with Mr. Moritz and Sir, if you hang in there we are going to break for the news my name is Patrick Timpone and back in a flash…
…Andreas Moritz, we are going to take the calls in a second but you have laid out a very interesting paradigm – how important it is to keep the liver and gallbladder clean because of the inappropriate foods that many of us eat and the culture eats and the preservatives, chemicals I would assume… does that also include many of the grains and starches that are over-consumed in your opinion?
Andreas Moritz: Certainly, many of the refined foods, they are no longer usable by the body so the body has to just find ways to discard them and in discarding them that means decomposing them or fermenting them or putrefying them, those kinds of food that are not useful for the body and therefore remain undigested. When the body is decomposing it, it engages bacteria to do the job, the dirty job, for them, and so the toxin and poisons that are generated as part of any fermentation process will be absorbed into the lymphatic vessels they are know as the cisterna chyli vessels around the belly button area, right in the middle part of the abdomen, and these vessels they become swollen, they become endemic as they try to accommodate and surround those poisons with fluid… with lymphatic fluid… and so that part of the body starts to extend to becomes enlarged and that is the typical belly tummy that people complain about when they first start putting on weight and gradually the lymphatic congestion progresses to other parts of the body – the thoracic duct that runs right form the belly button area all the way up to the throat and that is where it joins it bends to the left and joins the blood stream, so when the body is unable to remove or gets exposed to so many foods that are fermented or putrefied like cadaver-type foods, animal flesh foods, then the body will have to succumb to these poisons somewhere down the line and wherever these poisons accumulate more than in another places, and the lymphatic congestion progresses to the point the body cannot even get rid of its metabolic waste products like lactic acid, uric acid, urea, ammonia, it is like urine trapped in the surrounding in the environment of the cells then that acidic material will start to cause destruction of the cells. And so wherever that happens, first you will have a symptom you go to the doctor he says well you suffer from this illness and he gives you, basically puts on line for receiving drugs or something else that will suppress those very same symptoms which is nothing but a survival mechanism in the body.
Patrick Timpone: Yes
Andreas Moritz: It is a healing response, the body is desperately trying to go back to balance and so the disease, what we call disease, is the way for the body to do that; inflammation for example is a healing response… we call it an illness.
Patrick Timpone: His name is Andreas Moritz, he is in integrative medicine, ayurveda, meditation, yoga, nutrition, iridology, shiatsu, he has been at this for over thirty years, he has travelled around the country, the world, and actually he has talked with the heads of states around the world, written several book including “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH” and your website is it
Andreas Moritz: That is correct
Patrick Timpone: ENER-CHI, and some asked to call, your name is MORITZ
Andreas Moritz: Yes
Patrick Timpone: Andreas Moritz. So there is a way and your book goes into great detail, we will not go through it now because we are going to take a caller or two… you can flush your liver and gall bladder and get rid of these stones and do this very safely people do this quite often…
Andreas Moritz: Oh yes
Patrick Timpone: And do talk a little bit about it throughout the evening between now and eight o’clock on how you do it and what the basic idea is and then someone could get more information. Lets so ahead and talk to Rocco who has been holding. Hi Rocco you are on KLBJ
Rocco: Hello Patrick, how are you doing by you
Patrick Timpone: Oh good, I am good, how is it by you?
Rocco: I am doing alright I was wondering if your guest has any knowledge he can pass along about the rejuvenation of the pancreas or how that is related to diabetes, I have been diagnosed with diabetes and I am wondering if you can put it as a disease and if he knows anything about this…
Patrick Timpone: Oh Rocco, could you hold on one sec?
Rocco: Sure
Patrick Timpone: You want to try him on that other thing, Chris? Why do not you try it on that? Ok, Rocco, are you there?
Rocco: Yeah okay this is better can you hear him, Andreas, now?
Andreas Moritz: Yeah
Patrick Timpone: Okay go ahead, and so you are looking for some way to rejuvenate the cells of the pancreas, you got diabetes for a while?
Rocco: Yeah
Andreas Moritz: Are you having type 1 or type 2?
Rocco: Type 2. I was diagnosed about three years ago and I was able to control it with diet and exercise for a couple for years, but now they have me on a drug called Metformin and I am talking about a thousand milligrams of that a day and of course I’d rather not and I was wondering if you had any insight?
Andreas Moritz: Okay, the pancreas very much depends on the liver again because when your liver is producing bile, and it is basically passed into the gallbladder and whenever you eat a meal that requires bile for secretion and fat is the trigger for bile to digest carbohydrates, your body has to have fat in order to digest those carbohydrates and if you have protein in your diet, your body has to have fat in order to digest the protein, so in order to digest the fat, your body has to have bile secretion, now when you do not make enough bile anymore, and there is not enough bile to… sufficient enough bile, to activate digestive enzymes that come out of your pancreas then may of these unactivated digestive enzymes will remain or go back, backwash into the into the pancreas through the pancreatic duct, and when that happens your cells become inflamed, the cells of the pancreas become inflamed and become what they are called pancreatitis in fact they start getting destroyed; you can destroy the cells of the pancreas that are responsible for producing insulin. So the liver plays a huge role in this respect. The other problem that usually arises with diabetes is that people over the years, they eat far too much protein, to process a steak for example, a medium steak, your body has to come up with the amount of insulin that is required for about half a pound of white sugar to completely remove all the proteins and to process the proteins in the body and so that can cause insulin resistance eventually, because too much insulin is causing cancer in the body, so the body will try to reduce the insulin production in some way or another and as your insulin production is curbed, then obviously your sugar will rise in the blood stream and you have diabetes.
Patrick Timpone: Andreas, do you think that everybody is so unique, and we have to end this and get into a break, but Andreas everybody is so unique the blood type and metabolic type and body type and diet type and what we think and believe, but do you think we work as a species in general made to eat any kind of flesh from the animals that swim and fly and two-legged and four-legged.
Andreas Moritz: Very difficult, you can only on average digest about one fifth of the amount of the meat that a carnivorous animal like a cat could digest simply because we have only very, very small and very low concentrated hydrochloric acid in our stomach. So if you eat a steak you can only digest up to ten, fifteen, twenty percent of it, what do you do with the rest of it? Now that has to be putrefied, that has to be decomposed, and when you do that, when you decompose flesh food, you produce amines and amines are carcinogens and cadaverine and some putrescine which are the small severe poisons that a human body can process and that is a source of so many illnesses and diabetes is definitely one of them,
Patrick Timpone: Interesting. All right, it is forty nine after the hour, his name is Andreas Moritz and my name is Patrick Timpone and we are having a good conversation, hope you enjoying it we will be here till eight o’clock, he has written these books “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALL BLADDER FLUSH“, “CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE” and “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION“……….. We are with Andreas Moritz he is an Integrative medicine man, Ayurvedic medication really, he has been doing some great work for thirty years, right after the news at seven o’clock we are going to dive in to just give you the basic structure of how to do a liver and gallbladder flush because I know he has probably fascinated you in the last 45 minutes with the importance of this in 21st century and how critical it is that the liver is functioning at a 100 percent and how much of a challenge that is in the environment we live in, but there are always ways, there is always a way to take care of ourselves as we say on this show, there is always a way. Andreas, you say that cancer is not a disease. We only have a couple minutes here before the top of the break because we ran a long last segment. What is your opinion or what are the major causes of all these different cancers we see?
Andreas Moritz: Oh there are so many, there are causes such as lack of sunlight exposure, we now know that sixty seven percent of all cancers can be reversed according to the latest studies, simply by exposing a person to sunlight now you would not have such a high significant…
Patrick Timpone: Wow
Andreas Moritz: …growth if you had any number of chemotherapy radiation or surgery treatment.
Patrick Timpone: Now repeat that, repeat what you just said about sixty seven percent of cancer could actually be reversed by what?
Andreas Moritz: Sunlight.
Patrick Timpone: That is amazing !
Andreas Moritz: Sunlight induces the triggers, the release, of vitamin D, Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin, it is a hormone that the body is producing and if you make very little, if you have very little exposure to sunlight, you make so little vitamin D that your immune system is so depleted and weak that it cannot defend itself or balance itself. The body is not able to remove toxins waste products, carcinogens, harmful substances from that, otherwise it can trigger cancer.
Patrick Timpone: My goodness, so you mean, it would lead to that, with the life style that so many of us lead, getting up and going to work climbing in the car, doing eight hours, coming home…
Andreas Moritz: That is protected against
Patrick Timpone: yeah
Andreas Moritz: ..the sun. there is no plant that grows without proper sunlight. The body does not grow, every person has to grow. You turn over thirty billion cells per day that means you have to grow thirty billion new cells, now if you do not get the adequate amount of sunlight and sun exposure and trigger the release of enough of the vitamin D in your body, then your body cannot grow. Vitamin D is responsible for bone growth, for bone health, people’s osteoporosis, they need to be out in the sun otherwise there is no way they get stronger.
Patrick Timpone: That is amazing. Alright we are going to take a break here …………… okay we are going to flush out our liver and gall bladder, now this great stuff this is … that is amazing really, man, we get to do whatever we want, this is really, really good great stuff “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH” is just one of the books that our guest Andreas Moritz has written. It is thirty five years at this game, or over thirty years, also has another book called “CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE” and “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION” Andreas Moritz, his website is and this interview, because we will also be available on as a podcast very soon, and then we will launch our subscription site or premium site which is going to have over hundred a twenty five interviews and we are in the process of getting all those ready so we have a lot of work to do. Andreas Moritz, for those of you who just joined us, Andreas painted a very, very interesting picture the first hour about how critically important this large organ, the liver, is to virtually every disease and every means of staying healthy in this world. It is just huge and he told us how by eating physiological foods that are just not natural and good for us, the chemicals and preservative and too much meat and the hydrochloric acid and all kinds of standard American diet kinds of foods and fried foods and processed foods and packaged foods and boxed foods that so much of America eats that causes the stones in the, actually, bile ducts of the liver and then the bile cannot flow, and then it just goes downhill from there, it is all keyed in with digestion. So over the years you developed, Andreas Moritz, a different program and there are lots of programs one can get on the internet and we have had people on the show like Annie Jubb who we interviewed last night on one radio network show at seven o’clock and is the basic idea with yours as similar to many where one takes a generous amount of olive oil to get these stones out?
Andreas Moritz: Yes, that is correct, there has to be a good amount of preparation before you start off.
Patrick Timpone: Is it, what kind of things do we have to do before we dive in, so to speak?
Andreas Moritz: Yeah you want to prepare soundly as possible, for example in my system it was to drink some malic acid to loosen, or apple juice, a fair amount of apple juice for about six days, that means you drink about a liter, that is more than a quart of that juice throughout the day to soften up the stones. Use malic acid from apple juice or apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice or the malic acid itself to soften up the stones so that you get the maximum amounts possible, or to liquefy them, make them so soft and so mushy, that they come out very easily in a large quantity and when you do the actual flush you prepare by using some Epsom salts to keep the bile duct relaxed so that when the stones come out they just will literally, just moving down the pipe, and without any problem. I personally had forty gallstone attacks before I did my first liver flush and I never had a gallstone attack after my first liver flush.
Patrick Timpone: And you had a great success with getting many stones out?
Andreas Moritz: I passed about three and a half thousand stones.
Patrick Timpone: Three and a half thousand stones!
Andreas Moritz: Yes. I had first stones when I was six years old.
Patrick Timpone: My god!
Andreas Moritz: And I used to faint, I had tremendous amount of pain in my body, especially right shoulder problems, neck problems, joint problems, arthritic conditions…
Patrick Timpone: Yeah
Andreas Moritz: And they all vanished completely, once my liver was completely clean, and the secret here is that you do not want to just do one flush or two or three, you want to flush until all the stones are gone…
Patrick Timpone: How often? You do that?
Andreas Moritz: yes
Patrick Timpone: How often you do the flush?
Andreas Moritz: Until all the stones gone.
Patrick Timpone: I mean like you do it once a week or once a month?
Andreas Moritz: You can do it once a month comfortably and it is done over a weekend, you take let’s say, on a Saturday you do the actual flush which starts at around six o’clock in the afternoon, in the evening, when you drink some Epsom salts and at eight o clock you drink some more Epsom salts and then at ten o’clock you take the oil mixture which would be olive oil and some lemon juice or orange juice or grape fruit juice and once you have drank that lie down immediately, and already that will be enough to trigger the gall bladder and squeeze out a lot of bile, so all the bile is starting to come out of the liver and the gall bladder at that time and brings along with it the stones that were trapped in the common bile duct and in the gall bladder.
Patrick Timpone: And then on an average, just a general idea, I am sure it depends on the individual, but how many stones come out at one flush?
Andreas Moritz: In my case usually there were between three hundred to five hundred stones there were some individuals that passed thousand stones in one sitting but mostly people pass between one-two hundred to five hundred stones.
Patrick Timpone: And how big are these stones?
Andreas Moritz: They can be anything from pinheads to pea size and chickpea size and almond size and even larger. My wife passed a calcified stone from the gall bladder, believe it or not that was two and a half inches!
Patrick Timpone: Two and a half inches!
Andreas Moritz: That was an enormous thing…
Patrick Timpone: So some of them are very, very old, so they get hard.
Andreas Moritz: Well, these are the ones that are found only in the gallbladder and these are the ones that when you go to an ultra sound…
Patrick Timpone: yes…
Andreas Moritz: …get an ultra sound done, you can see them, you cannot see the other ones… you cannot see the green ones, the intra-hepatic gallstones that John Hopkins University has a diagram on their website, you cannot see them because they are made of bile and bile is invisible to ultra sound.
Patrick Timpone: I see, so some of these stones are calcified so the doctors, the traditional conventional medicine people can see them.
Andreas Moritz: Right
Patrick Timpone: But there other ones are actually
Andreas Moritz: …invisible
Patrick Timpone: they are bile, but they are still problematic because they are blocking the…
Andreas Moritz: …hard bile, they are hardened bile…
Patrick Timpone: …hardened bile
Andreas Moritz: They are clots of bile, it is like blood clots, so it is like blood, you know that it is liquid normally but if it becomes hard it is a clot and you know what blood clots can do, they can cause strokes and heart attacks and they can do something similar to the liver they can congest the liver so much that the liver becomes actually fatty, it can no longer get rid of the cholesterol that it uses to make bile, which in the bile gets stuck, and it is building up and it is starting to penetrate the tissues of the liver and the liver becomes fatty and the liver eventually can go down to thirty six percent of its capacity where…
Patrick Timpone: My goodness!
Andreas Moritz: …you still do not find anything wrong with the liver, all the blood tests will give you a clean bill of health, and you are basically one percent down that is eighty five percent capacity your liver is dead.
Patrick Timpone: So is there a difference between flushing the liver and the gallbladder or is this all done in the same time?
Andreas Moritz: In the same time
Patrick Timpone: And they both have bile ducts they are stones or just the gall bladder ?
Andreas Moritz: The gallbladder has stones, just the same kinds of the stones as the liver, but it can also have the calcified gallstones which only appear in the gallbladder and never in the liver.
Patrick Timpone: I see. Oh, that is true, yeah, so that is pretty exciting. Is it uncomfortable, I am asking questions like I have never done it, folks, but I have done a lot of these, but I know these are the question you are asking, is it uncomfortable?
Andreas Moritz: No, absolutely not, you do not feel it until you pass the stones that literally end up in the toilet bowl. All you pass is water and stones the way the cleanse is designed, so you will literally see them floating in the toilet because these stones – the green ones or beige or whitish stones – they are the cholesterol stones they are made of cholesterol mostly and therefore they float, they are lighter than water so you can literally fish them out and you count them but it is very fascinating when people send me their pictures…
Patrick Timpone: I bet they do too
Andreas Moritz: Yeah
Patrick Timpone: I bet they do, I know my friend David Wolf this raw foodist, you tell me one day, you know, people send me pictures of the weirdest things that come out of their bodies when they start eating raw food and he said I do not know what they think I want these pictures for, but it is so funny when he says that people send him pictures of all the stuff
Andreas Moritz: I have pictures form all over the world
Patrick Timpone: I bet you do
Andreas Moritz: From Russia from china from India from everywhere
Patrick Timpone: isn’t that funny!
Andreas Moritz: they let the same stones everywhere
Patrick Timpone: same stones
Andreas Moritz: yeah
Patrick Timpone: let me ask you before the break because I am still fascinated about the sunlight, what you said about the sunlight is just amazing to me, that a huge percentage of cancers can actually be cured because of just getting under the sun and getting the vitamin D
Andreas Moritz: literally yeah
Patrick Timpone: my goodness!
Andreas Moritz: It is not just cancer as Johns Hopkins University the other day, they said if you are using sunlight you can prevent so many other illnesses. We now know that heart disease is reversible simply by exposing yourself to regular sunshine.
Patrick Timpone: well is there a lot less cancer in these kinds of things like in California and Florida where people get out more?
Andreas Moritz: no, people have less cancer the closer they are to the equator. There are studies out, American studies and Norwegian studies to actually show that if you have cancer, any kind of cancer, and if you are living in the northern part you are recovering much more slowly, and you have a higher incidence of cancer, you have the lowest incidence of cancer and multiple sclerosis and heart disease closer to the equator because people are exposed to more sunlight and you have the lowest skin cancer rate close to the equator, you have hardly any skin cancer in high altitudes where ultra radiation is the…
Patrick Timpone: that is fascinating!
Andreas Moritz: strongest. The people that have the most skin cancers are the people who do not get exposed to the sun, that live indoors, that use artificial lighting could be to work with, or indoor during the day even.
Patrick Timpone: That is fascinating. All right, we need to break here Andreas. Andreas Moritz. You can tell he has done a lot of research and really been at this a long time I think you will enjoy this book. If you’d like to give this a go, I certainly recommend getting the book first before you really read through it and get a good understanding, one of his books “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALL BLADDER FLUSH” Andreas Moritz, German, his website My name is Patrick Timpone.………….. with Andreas Moritz some cool stuff “CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE” is one book “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION” and “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH” Andreas, let me ask you another question about allergies. There are so many allergies to gluten, to this to that, so many different allergies, such a test you can take with blood and all that, why do we become allergic to some foods?
Andreas Moritz: Basically certain kinds of foods, they are again as I mentioned before, they are not really physiological so if there are ingredients in these kinds of foods that are added – like MSG or aspartame or artificial sweeteners or some preservative – then the body will react to those and so the immune system has a reaction to try to get rid of that which can eventually produce antibodies and then those kinds of foods, the whole food that the entire food, will be rejected and this way a lot of people are intolerant to those, many are also over exposed to chemicals they are not just part of the food but the pesticides in food…
Patrick Timpone: right
Andreas Moritz: …that are also airborne substances and emotional factors which should never be underestimated
Patrick Timpone: sure
Andreas Moritz: Many, many people that were eating, let’s say, certain things at the dinner table when they grow up and the parents were fighting over certain things and every time that person would then, later in life, would eat the same kind of food, he will have an allergic reaction basically through the memory of having eaten that food twenty years before
Patrick Timpone: sure
Andreas Moritz: and having been very unhappy during that time
Patrick Timpone: but now some of these tests that are out there, I do not know about their accuracy, but why would a person who is relatively healthy for example come back and say “well you should be allergic to almonds or oranges or broccoli or milk.” How that can be?
Andreas Moritz: well, again if generally food is not digested well, the food, it becomes very toxic and then the immune system will be engaged and trying to get rid of that undigested food
Patrick Timpone: these antibodies that it produces
Andreas Moritz: the body will react, if you have already developed problems with the bile duct of your liver then you will not be able to digest your food properly when the immune system will react to the…
Patrick Timpone: I see, so it is a digestion issue here for all these?
Andreas Moritz: yeah
Patrick Timpone: pretty much
Andreas Moritz: ninety percent of the cases it is all purely digestive
Patrick Timpone: with allergic
Andreas Moritz: right yes
Patrick Timpone: allergic things
Andreas Moritz: and then the there are many, many other reasons why you can produce stones, these are simply you do not sleep well during the night time, the next day, you are not able to digest your food properly because your liver works between ten and two more than at any other time of the night and if you do not sleep during those four hours your liver will not be able to make bile to digest your food the next day
Patrick Timpone: very interesting
Andreas Moritz: so then you eat a big meal, most of it would remain undigested and your body has to react trying to get rid of the undigested food and when the body is constantly engaged in having to do that, then you will become intolerant to those kinds of foods and eventually develop severe allergies
Patrick Timpone: that is very fascinating. So folks, lot of the kids who take these allergy tests and they take a lot of prick tests and they stay off the foods and they go though this whole rigmarole but so you’re suggesting that if one can clean out their liver and the gallbladder, but why would a young child of fifteen or something, could they already be producing that?
Andreas Moritz: absolutely!
Patrick Timpone: really?
Andreas Moritz: yes
Patrick Timpone: really?
Andreas Moritz: actually a five year old Chinese girl and her seven year old sister do liver flushes and they passed a lot of stones
Patrick Timpone: at five years old?!
Andreas Moritz: They had so many allergies,
Patrick Timpone: my god
Andreas Moritz: asthma, and after they cleared the stones the asthma and the allergies completely disappeared. You can see in my own case, I had stones when I was six years old. And my mother had hepatitis three times before I was even born and so my liver was not very strong to begin with. The kinds of foods that people eat and they think they are healthy, just give a kid milk, cow’s milk to drink, it will produce a lot of stones…
Patrick Timpone: yes
Andreas Moritz: …in the liver and it is now known to cause diabetes. So if it can cause diabetes what else can it do?
Patrick Timpone: very fascinating. Okay we are going to break. Good stuff, Andreas, I am really pleased that you are here, Andreas Moritz. And my name is Patrick Timpone. We are having an amazing conversation with Andreas Moritz about his book and other books “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH” if you just joined us, you want to make sure you get on the and when we will launch our premium website you are going to be able to get podcasts of a hundreds different interviews and this will be one of them and this is worth ten months of subscription just to learn how to flush your gallbladder and Andreas, thank you for all your help tonight. I went to your website and we will put a link on our site, you got a great site and you do consultations over the phone…
Andreas Moritz: yes correct
Patrick Timpone: and you have some all your books on the website, you have a lot of books here
Andreas Moritz: yeah
Patrick Timpone: wow you have “CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE“, “SIMPLE STEPS TO TOTAL HEALTH“, “LIFTING THE VEIL OF DUALITY” like that one, “IT IS TIME TO COME ALIVE“, “HEART DISEASE NO MORE“, “DIABETES NO MORE“, “ENDING THE AIDS MYTH” wow, “HEAL YOURSELF WITH SUNLIGHT“. We were talking about that, if you just tuned in, Andreas was saying some amazing things about how powerful sunlight is!
Andreas Moritz: oh absolutely and sleep, I mentioned sleep. One of the most powerful things recent research showed that nurses have a fifty times, fifty times, higher cancer rate because they are not getting enough sleep and they are not producing enough melatonin. When melatonin gets secreted around nine thirty and it peaks at midnight one o’clock and if you do not sleep during that time then you will become melatonin deficient and melatonin deficiency is now related with high risk of developing cancer, because melatonin controls a gene that controls the life cycles of cells so it tells the cells when to die and not to continue living and going on and on and on and on, which would mean they would develop into cancer cells, so the sleep is so important that just the other day again John Hopkins University came out with a piece of news proving that if you are not sleeping enough hours and that a typical American only sleeps only six to seven hours, so there is, actually five to seven hours and they were found to have a forty five percent higher heart attack rate. If you do not get enough sleep and you have a higher risk of developing strokes at a rate of sixty seven percent higher risk of developing a stroke because you are not sleeping enough. Now these are huge figures. Hypertension, for example, again in the body sudden change simply because you do not get enough sleep, if you added the sleep you would have a much less cancer risk, we know that much less heart disease much less diabetes we now know that diabetes, we know diabetes is very much related to sleep deprivation, not getting enough sleep, so it is virtually every kind of disease…
Patrick Timpone: what are some of your top reasons what causes sleeplessness in some?
Andreas Moritz: well it is not the sleeplessness, it is just people
Patrick Timpone: they are just going to bed late and waking up early.
Andreas Moritz: they go to bed every day at midnight they are missing out on the two hours before midnight sleep which is the most important time of the night, it is now known according to many research studies that it makes the immune system very weak. So gradually you become defenseless against the pathogens, the disease-causing germs.
Patrick Timpone: so getting into bed at ten is important
Andreas Moritz: oh it is absolutely vital and it used to keep people healthy, a hundred years ago only ten percent of the people had chronic illness. Today it is ninety percent of the people have chronic illness.
Patrick Timpone: ninety percent ?
Andreas Moritz: ninety percent.
Patrick Timpone: my god!
Andreas Moritz: so people develop chronic illness because they no longer live in harmony with the natural cycles, they have like chronic jet lag, it is as if they are travelling to Europe or to another country every single day and never recover from jet lag and that is basically out of touch with the circadian rhythm which controls plants, which controls animals, and it controls humans, and this, we are defying that as we live against the cycles of nature, then we obviously eventually get tired, we get fatigued, we get over fatigued, we go into a stress hormone response that after a while we can no longer relax, if you produce constantly adrenaline and noradrenaline and cholesterol and other stress hormones, your body will no longer be able to relax and be stress-free, it will constantly be agitated and nervous and anxious and that itself is not conducive to healing whatsoever, in fact, you cannot heal if you are under stress.
Patrick Timpone: all right it is seven forty two with Andreas Moritz, his website is, look for their link on our site. And let’s go to Doug in downtown Austin. Doug, you got a question about gallbladder ?
Doug: yes I was diagnosed with, through ultra sound, with two gallstones that are too large to pass. And I am wondering how that would be affected by the flush which sounds very interesting.
Andreas Moritz: well, a lot of people including myself, I had a lot of calcified stones, in fact my gallbladder was completely packed full. So…
Patrick Timpone: wow
Andreas Moritz: …it is a difficult situation because you need some bile to actually expel stones but miraculously I did. Having had so many involuntary gall stone attacks, these stones just started coming out on their own after eating some fat, any fatty food and they were triggered by that. Now in your situation if you have only two stones it is not a big problem if you do liver flushes eventually they will come out, sometimes people pass them right away with the first flush and others after six or seven flushes but eventually they do come out and they come out painlessly, there is… you do not notice… you see the calcified stones, they will sink to the bottom of the toilet so you will see them sort of sitting at the very bottom.
Patrick Timpone: Doug how is it that you know, Doug, that you had the stones?
Doug: well I had a tremendous number of instances, not recently, but I had seventy during the first three months of last year.
Patrick Timpone: seventy what?
Doug: gallstone attacks and then one was lasted several days so I went to the ER and they did an ultra sound and determined that these two are too large to go though the bile duct
Patrick Timpone: what did they want to do?
Doug: they were saying that the only thing that will work is surgery.
Patrick Timpone: surgery!
Andreas Moritz: that is not quite true that they can’t go though the bile duct, it is just under normal conditions they do not and they get stuck and they cause a gallstone attack, and that is what you and I have experienced many, many times. Now when you do a liver flush it is very different, what you do is actually you push an enormous amount of bile out of your liver and gallbladder, and bile is very oily and the oily bile is like, when you want to get rid of, push a, get a ring from your finger and it does not come off and you put some oil on it will start moving, and like that, if you have a lot of bile and the bile ducts are relaxed that means they are not contracting which happens of you have an involuntary release of gallstones, then they would basically make the bile duct very tight, and then the gallstone cannot got through, whereas during a liver flush it is exactly the opposite your bile ducts are extremely relaxed because of the Epsom salts that you take and also because of the triggering of a large amount of bile that just moves the stones along with the bile, and the bile is so oily there is nothing that can hold the stones somewhere in the common bile duct
Patrick Timpone: and you trigger the bile by taking about, what is it, five ounces or eight ounces of olive oil?
Andreas Moritz: four ounces
Patrick Timpone: four ounces?
Andreas Moritz: ….of olive oil and a citrus fruit both of them are triggers for the gallbladder
Patrick Timpone: do you recommend taking enzymes with the oil so you do not get nauseous?
Andreas Moritz: no
Patrick Timpone: no?
Andreas Moritz: during that you want to keep it as simple as possible so that you literally just release stones without interfering with…
Patrick Timpone: you take the oil on an empty stomach or full?
Andreas Moritz: oh if you take it on a full stomach you will get violently nauseous.
Patrick Timpone: okay
Andreas Moritz: you will throw up.
Patrick Timpone: that I why some people, they recommend doing the enemas before
Andreas Moritz: yes and also…
Patrick Timpone: fasting that day maybe?
Andreas Moritz: you eat, you can eat until lunch time and then you do not eat anything after two o’clock and that make sure that the stomach is empty when you take the oil mixture.
Patrick Timpone: and you take the oil mixture at what time?
Andreas Moritz: ten o ‘clock in the evening
Patrick Timpone: now do you do that because that is the liver gallbladder time in the Chinese medicine?
Andreas Moritz: that is when the liver starts working, that is when you have the maximum release of stones and that is why you do not want to do it later or too early.
Patrick Timpone: Doug let me ask you I am just interested, you are a regular listener to the show?
Doug: yes
Patrick Timpone: you are. Does this sound might sound kind of wild to you, huh? And kind of out there? Or not?
Doug: well no.
Patrick Timpone: no?
Doug: it sounds like something that I am interested in trying, it certainly sounds preferable to surgery.
Andreas Moritz: I had a ninety year old man, he, they wanted to take his gall bladder out and he said you are not going to get my gall bladder and so he did the liver flush and right with his first flush he passed out all his calcified stones.
Patrick Timpone: I’ll be darned!
Andreas Moritz: and the guy was so happy and he got to keep his gall bladder at that age.
Patrick Timpone: at ninety years old!
Andreas Moritz: yeah
Patrick Timpone: my goodness!
Doug: I would like to keep the gall bladder but lets get rid of the stones.
Patrick Timpone: yeah, yeah.
Andreas Moritz: you definitely want to keep the gall bladder. It is not necessary to get it cut out because once you have the gall bladder removed, you end up having a lot of problems , the risk of cancer goes up you become more like a, to, you are going to accumulate a lot more weight and there is only a trickle of bile, like drops of bile, constantly leaking out of your liver instead of being collected by the gall bladder and being controlled in the release in order to digest your food so you will always develop major digestive problems more so than you may have now.
Patrick Timpone: ok gentlemen, we need to break here so
Doug: thanks I will give it a try.
Patrick Timpone: thanks for the call. It is forty eight after seven o’clock forty eight after that…….Andreas Moritz. Lots of books. This one we talking about a lot and it is called “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH” that you can get on Andreas’ website, his website, it is a great website and he has got all those books and he is very, very prolific man. I do not know how he has time to flush his gall bladder with writing all these books but you know he does that. Andreas, thanks so much for being here tonight.
Andreas Moritz: Oh it is my pleasure.
Patrick Timpone: That is great good job. We hope you will come back again sometime
Andreas Moritz: Oh yes
Patrick Timpone: And you do phone consultation and people can contact you though your website?
Andreas Moritz: Right
Patrick Timpone: We will put a link up. Now we only have a couple of minutes left but in that time maybe a list for some of your favorite foods, some of the best foods that we can kind of eat just two or three or four of those and some of the worst foods, just for fun.
Andreas Moritz: Well the best foods are really they are of the vegetable origin. I eat a lot of, plenty of fresh, fresh vegetables, with some spices and some fats like olive oil or coconut oil or butter and some unrefined sea salt and eat them with some grain foods at lunch time and preceded by salad, yeah fresh salad with lettuce, cucumber, avocado, olive oil, lemon juice and salt and then some beans perhaps as well or some nuts and seeds, and so I love those kinds of foods and in the evening I have a vegetable soup with some toast with bread with butter on it, and that is all freshly done and in the morning I have some oatmeal, I never get bored with it
Patrick Timpone: Yeah, oatmeal, you got to have oatmeal.
Andreas Moritz: With rice milk or almond milk or Sens milk and some butter in it and some maple syrup or some agave syrup or salados sugar and it is delicious with some nuts in it. Mid morning I have some fruit and so I eat all those kinds of foods and it’s the typical Mediterranean types of foods. I have lived in Cyprus for fifteen years in the Mediterranean and I was amazed how healthy these people are in those villages eating exactly those types of food.
Patrick Timpone: So you do not indulge in any kind of flesh food at all?
Andreas Moritz: No, I stopped eating any kind of protein food since I was very ill and they gave me a year to live.
Patrick Timpone: And you get plenty of protein ?
Andreas Moritz: You do not need to eat protein in order to make protein why would nature not put protein in breast milk for the first sixteen months of a baby that triples its size in the first sixteen months? Why would nature only put 1.4 percent protein in it?
Patrick Timpone: Andreas, we have to go…
Andreas Moritz: Okay
Patrick Timpone: Thank you so much, sir.
Andreas Moritz: Most welcome
Patrick Timpone: Oh, it’s been a pleasure. Please have a good night, sir.
Andreas Moritz: You too
Patrick Timpone: Andreas Moritz. Kenny Willmar is next, my name is Patrick Timpone. Take care.
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