The Power of Acceptance

Obviously a matter of this being a free will universe, we can make choices and our choices are the ones that bring us certain experiences such as pain, suffering, joy, pleasure, ups and downs… these choices that we have to acknowledge, however, we can make different choices, again we may not be able to change circumstances and situations that happen to us but we certainly can change our response to them. We can say ‘wait a minute I am going to look at this from a different angle” and by perceiving it differently it will have a different effect on me, and so a calamity certainly becomes an opportunity.

It reminds me of soldiers during the German World War II, where soldiers were injured and taken to the hospitals and the doctors described their experiences with these soldiers who were injured, often severely, and they wrote it down in their reports and what they reported was that these soldiers, they smiled, they had happy faces, and they were so extremely happy that the doctors said “what do you have to be so happy about ?” and the soldiers replied typically that that was the best day in their lives because this allowed them, the injury allowed them to go back home to see their families again which was the most important thing in their life.

So for them that was a happy day. If a person gets injured in a similar way by a gunshot wound, he may have a completely different attitude towards that, he says “it is the worst day in my life and it will ruin my business. I wont be able to enjoy this and that, and maybe I will be handicapped” and so, their attitude changes everything for them and then the negative experience, the shooting or the injuries, will make it even more difficult for them to live their lives in a happy way, because, they fed, they literally fed that particular negative event with their own negative energies so it increased. And our energy is pretty neutral, when we perceive something as negative, it is no longer neutral, it becomes negative. So it increases what we do not like. Whereas, if we accept what we do not like, we allow our energy to mingle with it and it turns it into a positive.

So we are literally transformers. We are like washing machines that take the dirty laundry wash it and it comes out clean. We have that capability simple through the mode of accepting rather than rejecting.

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