By Andreas Moritz

The time of making a choice for promoting life rather than destruction and death on Earth is now. Those who begin to love themselves and take care of their most precious possession – the human body – will be protected, loved and honored by the Earth. They will be ‘initiated’ into the world of spiritual wisdom. Some people like to call this process the ‘Second Coming of Christ’, others name it ‘The Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment’, ‘Heaven Descending on Earth’, the ‘Onset of the Aquarian Age’, or ‘The End of the World (of Ignorance)’. It is not important by what name we call new time. What is important is that the Earth will become a true home for those who are ready to live and express love.

This is perhaps the most important time humankind has ever experienced because the choices we are making now will affect our future more dramatically than ever before. This is the time of learning: learn to serve your body, your heart, your friends, the animals, the plants, all life forms, and the planet, in whatever ways you best can. By doing this, you intensify the love frequency within and around you, which can be considered to be the most important work anyone can do at this moment in time. There are already millions of people who have recognized both the need and the power of service. Even on a mass communications network like the internet, you can find numerous people who, without any financial return on their expenses, pass extremely helpful (spiritual) information to numerous subscribers. They have no other intent than to raise the love frequency in those who receive it. These light or love workers will be rewarded amply and in ways which will become more apparent after the Great Transition.

Many people have the impression that self-work is difficult and that it requires discipline and a lot of patience. The truth, however, is far from that. Everything we do in life is self-work, although most people may not recognize it as such. Your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, desires, etc. occur on many levels simultaneously. In the body, for example, they occur as neurotransmitters, which trigger profound physiological responses. In the ether, they become powerful energy fields that affect your body, other people and the environment. Therefore, when you move all those things out of your wardrobe or room for which you have no need any more, or when you tidy up your garden, basement, desk etc., you do the same thing on all levels of existence. If one corner of your house is always untidy, dirty, or full of things you no longer need but cannot let go of, there is one part in your mind and body that you need to attend to as well. The state of your environment reflects the state of your body and mind. If your present environment no longer ‘suits’ you, it is because you have moved on – physically, emotionally and spiritually, and you may need to create or move to a new environment that reflects the ‘new’ you.

There is a great deal of restlessness among people on the planet now, which is expressed by the desire to change their home, job and/or partner. If you feel equally agitated, it is best to go with the flow and not stick to the old beliefs or principles of how you should live your life. Make increased happiness your main focus in life. Happiness comes naturally when your focus is on serving others, your body and nature in whatever way you can. For example, if you see rubbish lying on the ground, you have the choice of either ignoring it, saying it is other people’s responsibility, or picking it up and throwing it into the nearest trashcan. If we decide to pick up rubbish that others have carelessly left behind, we develop humility, strip our ego of false pride, and create a powerful energy field in the ether which will quietly inspire other people to do the same (similar to the Hundredth Monkey phenomenon).

By attending to your body, cleansing it, feeding it properly, by listening to its subtle messages and learning from them, and finally by seeing it as a divine instrument, you will automatically grow in the desire to help others to do the same. This is what is meant by true service. As a reward, you will see Earth in a different light, too. Those who choose to develop this love frequency regardless of whether they express it through cleaning up a beach or healing another person will receive the very best that nature can offer. Heaven is a perceptual reality, which we can create by tuning into the most blissful frequency of living, the frequency of love. The current period of global transformation allows us to develop the love frequency more easily and more quickly than was ever possible before.

This is an excerpt from my book IT’S TIME TO COME ALIVE

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