Wellness Products
Please scroll down to view wellness products, such as Ener-Chi Art, Organic Sulfur Crystals and Herbs for the Andreas Moritz Kidney Cleanse and Liver Cleanse tea, as recommended by Andreas. For other products recommended in Andreas’ books and teachings, please see the List of Suppliers.

Herbs to make the tea for either an effective kidney cleanse or a liver cleanse, as Andreas discusses in The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, are available from Ener-Chi Wellness Center’s dedicated sources in the EU. Under Andreas’ personal guidance, they have pre-mixed all of the herbs in appropriate proportions and carefully packaged them in a bulk pack that is sufficient for a cleanse. Each online shop — Prana-Luz (Spain) and Herbathek (Germany) — offers worldwide shipping.

Zeolite will balance the pH in the body. A balanced pH environment will not allow abnormal cells to grow. Zeolite works better than Chelation. It naturally removes toxic metals and chemicals
as well as radiation, and it boosts the body’s immune system.

According to the manufacturer, the patented Colenz® Home Cleansing Kit is designed to simplify self-administration (DIY) of an enema in the privacy and comfort of your home. The Colenz colon hydrotherapy system provides thorough and safe cleansing of the lower colon for relief of occasional constipation and bowel cleansing. Use of the Colenz board is said to increase comfort and effectiveness by allowing the individual to lie comfortably in one position during administration of the water enema and elimination of waste from the colon.

The Squatty Potty places you into a natural squatting position for effortless, optimal bowel movements, which Andreas considered essential for good health. Sitting on toilet seats in the Western traditional way causes straining and incomplete elimination, a major cause of constipation, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and intestinal disease, as well as many other health conditions. In Eastern cultures, where people squat while defecating, these conditions are almost unheard of.

In his books and teachings, Andreas recommended these healthy foods
and other items from ‘The Raw Food World’.

Andreas recommends Ancient Minerals’ Magnesium (gel, oil, flakesl), LL’s Magnetic Clay Detox Baths, Edible Earth, Nascent Iodine, all sold by LL Magnetic Clay, Inc
I only just discovered Andreas’ work and am so impressed with all the confirmation of my early studies (I’m a ND) with updated materials. Just love that, it puts something back in place that tends to get crowded out by all the new and better and updated and improved ‘stuff’ we see day to day. You must all miss him so much, even though his presence is most likely all around his loved ones.
Thanks again,