Who should not do the liver flush ? 

Hi, this a question from someone who is wondering who should NOT DO liver flushes and who should DO liver flushes.

Basically I have talked about that in my book “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALL BLADDER FLUSH” and there are a number of people who should be very careful during liver flushes or not do them at all, and those are the ones that suffer from an acute illness, should definitely not do it. Acute illness constitutes something like the flu, any infection that is associated with fevers or it is not just like a superficial skin infection that does not really bother very much, but something that impacts the person’s energy levels, so if you feel weak, debilitated, nauseous or nauseated in any way then you should definitely not do a liver flush at that time.

If there is a chronic illness however such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes, chronic heart problems, chronic heart failure any thing like that then definitely I would suggest clean out the liver because that will allow your body to heal much more effectively and easily without creating side effects that you would expect when you treat those illnesses with medication.

Talking about medication, if you take any prescription medication or pain killers… anything that is produced by the pharmaceutical industry… then I recommend NOT to do liver flushes because all those drugs have suppressive effects, they can interfere with liver functions because liver is the organ that is trying to detoxify those drugs and by doing that it will try to dump particles and fragments into the bile ducts which leads to formation of new stones which will temporarily keep them from doing, causing any troubles.

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