By Andreas Moritz 

Every person who hears about new bombs exploding in Israel, Spain, Saudi Arabia, or London is likely to denounce those who planted them. This generates a massive amount of anger, fear and hatred throughout world consciousness. World publicity plays a major role in spreading crime and terrorism today. An international ban on spreading negative news would be the first and most sensible way to undermine terrorism and many other forms of crime. This would substantially reduce global stress and tension, a prerequisite for more coherent thoughts and feelings among all members of society, including criminals.

Russian scientists have linked earthquakes to the incoherent brain waves of the people living in an earthquake zone. Corrective measures by nature or by a nation are only necessary when there is something that needs to be corrected. To improve society, we must organize our own affairs first. If a minimum of 1- 2% of us resist the temptation to participate passively or actively in the spreading of negative world events, the rest of society will gradually begin to change as well. This is about the easiest and most profound contribution each one of us can make towards creating a more peaceful world. We can help clean up the mess that we have created for our world not necessarily by doing something but by stopping ourselves from participating in ‘world gossip’. The more we become committed to desist from recycling negative thoughts and events, the faster the world media will reduce their coverage of negative news, because there will be less to report.

If by any chance you have linked into the spiritual websites of the Internet, you will know that world trends are much better and encouraging than presented by the mass media. Since nearly all the media focus their attention on negativity and misfortune, the man in the street has no choice but to believe that this is all there is. Yet for every calamity that is reported, there is something wonderful that isn’t. For every act of greed, crime or violence that is reported in the press, there are an untold number of acts of generosity and compassion. You could fill the mass media with positive and uplifting events many times over. They are at least as important as the negative ones. The reason why they rarely are reported is because we, the media consumers, prefer to ‘consume’ negative news instead.

By resisting absorbing negative news, we are making the world a better place. By no means does this imply that we should become passive or stick our heads in the sand. Such denial does not help the world either. Knowing that the world needs help is good enough to motivate us to make the necessary changes in this direction.

However, we often feel so helpless when governments make obvious mistakes and harm the interests of the population. The mismanagement of public funds, fraud and miscalculations by a government are but reflections of negative collective consciousness. The efficiency of a government is determined by the collective energetic impact of all the thoughts, emotions, feelings and desires produced by the entire population day after day. The government only mirrors back to the people what they think about themselves, their country and their fellow countrymen.

Just as atmospheric tension builds up and is released by a thunderstorm, the powers of crises are unleashed in a nation when its collective stress has reached a climax. The degree of release is proportional to the degree of tension, fear, and frustration that is accumulating in every individual on a daily basis. Once the point of saturation has been reached, only a little spark may be needed to trigger a massive explosion. A typical example for this could be Albania where a seemingly insignificant mistake made by the government was enough to ignite huge collective rage and overthrow the government.

However, if collective stress builds up again, the new government administration will have to face the same problems as the previous government. All initial hope in the newly elected president or Prime Minister slowly fades away as he finds himself helpless in face of a disruptive and unsupportive collective consciousness. However, when the population becomes more coherent and positive at large, the government will reflect this improvement through a renewed ability to help overcome economic, social, and political problems. That is when the government is applauded and praised for its success. In either case, the government is always governed by the collective consciousness of the nation.

The same law applies to treating illness. To help a sick person, we have to see a symptom of disease in relation to its underlying cause. Medical intervention, which tends to mask the symptom of a disease and attempts to alleviate it or make it disappear, may be insufficient to truly restore the health of a sick person. It is most likely that the problem will re-emerge, perhaps in another part of the body, but this time it will be more persistent than before. Crime, terrorism, and wars, are only the symptoms of an underlying disease process that has affected the entire society.

For societal healing to be effective and complete, it must take place on the same level where conflicts are generated – in the minds and hearts of the people. ‘Sick’ thoughts are known to cause illness and suffering. Thought and feelings of love generate health and bestow vitality and happiness. Your quality of thought may just make the difference when it comes to resolving a conflict in your own home, your society or anywhere else in the world.

This is an excerpt from my book IT’S TIME TO COME ALIVE

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